What Matters the Most?

Choosing an assisted living home shouldn’t be a grueling decision in a time when the focus should be on a loved one. And selecting the best option may be easiest when you step back and think about what’s important: the best care for your loved one.

If someone asked you whether you’d want your child’s classroom size to be 40 or 10, what would you say? Most people would prefer the 10: there would be more one-on-one time, every student could ask questions, and, most importantly, the students would have the opportunity to learn more in a shorter period of time.

How about athletics? Would an athlete learn more from having a coach watch them perform one-on-one throughout practice or being a part of a large team where they might not be noticed at all? Seems pretty obvious.

Why Is It Such A Hard Decision?

So why isn’t it so obvious when families are making one of the most important decisions of their lives?

When an elderly loved one needs more care, families are put into a position where they need to choose quickly.

The choices usually fall into two categories: around-the-clock home care or a large senior facility. Home care is extremely expensive and having a new person living in the house can be disruptive. The large facility can feel like a hotel and have 40 or more residents. How long would your loved one have to wait before they are cared for?

The Third Option 

But there is also a third option. A place where an elderly loved one gets the care they need when they need it. Where their privacy is respected but the opportunity to make new friends or participate in activities is always available.

Shepherd Premier Senior Living offers beautiful, updated homes with around-the-clock care. Shepherd’s homes are houses, just like the houses in your neighborhood, not giant facilities that look like apartment complexes or hospitals.

And, like the classroom and sports options referenced above, each home is only available to a limited number of residents so every person receives the exact care they need.

So, would you want your loved one in an environment where they were needing care along with 40 or more other residents, or in a place where they’d receive what they needed, when they needed it?

See Shepherd Premier Senior Living’s locations, take a virtual tour, and find out if there is an opening for your loved one today.

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What Matters the Most?

Choosing an assisted living home shouldn’t be a grueling decision in a time when the focus should be on a loved one. And selecting the

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